Worship Schedule
Photo credit: David Hutchison
As of 1 Jan 2021, our small congregation will gather in person for Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 8:00 A.M. ( Rite 1) and at 10:00 A.M. (Rite 2 with music). The celebrant will be Father Charles Blauvelt, our dedicated “supply plus” priest. Everyone attending must follow strict guidelines to self-assess likelihood of active corona virus infection, to sanitize hands, to be properly masked and to keep physically distant from others. Holy Eucharist is in name only with no wine offered.
The prevalence of active covid 19 cases in Ulster County and in Saugerties has been rising steadily, though not explosively, over the last two months. The daily incidence of new active cases in Ulster County, however, is the second lowest among all ten boroughs or counties in the Episcopal Diocese of New York. We continue with public worship, therefore, literally on a on a week-to week basis. We are alert to recommendations and mandates from the State DOH or from Diocesan authorities. The Warden and vestry may act independently to be yet more more cautious than these agencies. We can do this only because we are few in number and can rely on parishioners who attend services to follow the strictest possible preventive practices 24/7 in and out of church.
From March 15 2020, in accordance with Bp. Dietsche’s directive, we had stopped public worship. We resumed it on July 5 with Morning Prayer only, then added Holy Eucharist in name only two or three Sundays a month from August 1 on. We reasoned that we have not held any virtual services ourselves (though we have joined them at other churches) and that physical distancing is ensured in a big nave with a small congregation.
The covid safety protocols in force can be seen on the current news page of our web site for July 5, 2020.
(For a list of Special Services and Events see calendar and Current / News for more details)